Sell On Nykaa

How to Sell on Nykaa in India

Nykaa is a leading online marketplace for beauty, wellness, and fashion products in India. Selling on Nykaa can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and sales. Follow these steps to start your journey as a Nykaa seller:

Step 1: Register on Nykaa Seller Portal

  • Visit the Nykaa Seller Central: Go to
  • Create an Account: Fill in your details such as name, email, mobile number, and business name. Verify your email and mobile number.

Step 2: Complete Your Business Profile

  • Provide Business Information: Enter your business address, GSTIN, PAN card details, and bank account information.
  • Upload Necessary Documents: Upload your GST certificate, PAN card, cancelled cheque, and trademark certificate if applicable.

Step 3: Product Listing

  • Add Your Products: List your products with detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and competitive prices.
  • Ensure Compliance: Follow Nykaa’s guidelines for product listing to avoid rejections.

Step 4: Quality Check and Approval

Nykaa’s team will review your product listings to ensure they meet quality standards. Once approved, your products will go live on the platform.

Step 5: Order Management and Fulfillment

  • Manage Orders: Use the Nykaa Seller Dashboard to track and manage orders.
  • Fulfill Orders: Ensure timely shipment of orders and handle returns efficiently to maintain customer satisfaction.

Step 6: Promote Your Products

  • Participate in Promotions: Join Nykaa’s sales events and promotional campaigns to boost your product visibility.
  • Advertising: Use Nykaa’s advertising solutions to run targeted ad campaigns.

Tips for Successful Selling on Nykaa

  • Optimize Listings: Use high-resolution images, detailed product descriptions, and relevant keywords.
  • Competitive Pricing: Research and set competitive prices for your products.
  • Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service to ensure positive reviews and repeat business.

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